...at least offer her your seat!
So I'm on the bus heading home from work. It's standing room only, as normal. At some point in the ride this attractive woman with a serious scowl on her face makes her way towards the back of the bus and ends up standing next to me. The dude sitting in the seat right in front of where this woman is standing immediately starts talking to her. "How you doin'? You look nice." you know, the usual unimaginative stuff guys say when they're trying to holla. Only thing is, he's talking, but he ain't even making a move to offer her his seat at all, which you know, might have actually helped his cause. Strike one...
"Look I'm sorry", the woman says, "But I am NOT in the mood for no talk right now."
Now, a reasonable man might say okay, and leave the woman alone. A more reasonable man might have taken the opportunity he missed the first time and offer her a seat. This was not a reasonable man, however. He still kept trying to holla, can I have your number, lemme talk to you, I'll take you out make you feel better, blah blah blah. And the whole time, the woman, who was already visibly upset when she got on the bus, was getting even more visibly pissed the fuck off. She was darker skinned, so you couldn't see her turning red; it was more like a plum color her face was getting. This was not going to end well...
Strike two...
Finally (after demonstrating much more patience than I thought she was capable of), she had enough. "I TOLD YOU I was not in the mood for this shit. DAMN!" She snatched her body around a rather violent 180 degrees, turning her back to this knucklehead, muttering under her breath about his profound stupidity. End of story, right? He got the message, right? WRONG...
"Oh, you just gonna turn on me? That's messed up", he said, his feelings hurt that his special charm didn't win the object of his affections over and made her want him to give her all his loving (but not his seat on the bus).
"A brotha try to be nice to you, and that's how you act? You ain't all that..."
Strike three...
Ol' gurl spun back around towards him even more ferociously than she had turned away.
Uh oh...
"B----, I told your m----- f------ ass that I was not in the mood for your b---s---, I told you that G--D--- f------ s--- TWICE, and you still gon' try to talk to me while I'm standing up and you sitting your m-----f------ ass the f--- down! You wanted to do something for me, you coulda stood the f--- up and at least let me have a f------ seat, after I told you I was in a bad mood. You wanna know I turned my back to you? 'Cause your hot garbage funky ass breath was making me sick while you was sitting on your G-- D--- ass talking up into my f------ nose! Whatchu gotta say to that, b----?" And back around she spun...
Damn...Now you might expect there to have been some laughter as this jackass getting the riot act read to him, but ol' gurl turned on him with such force, I think people actually felt a little sorry for poor fool. That plus, I don't anybody wanted to be the next one to get screamed on...
Meanwhile, the Ladies' Man, obviously rocked from this onslaught, tried to come back on ol' gurl, but he was kind of like Zab Judah trying to get up too fast after being cold cocked by Kostya Tszyu:
"You want me to tell you again?" She said, looking back at him.
And then he did the first smart thing of the whole encounter: he faced forward and shut his mouth...
"Miss, do you want to sit down?" the guy across the aisle asked.
"Yes, thank you!" she said, and so she sat.
And the gentleman did NOT try to holla at her...
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